Sunday, March 11, 2007

I highly recommend...


Wednesday I got my haircut (finally, I know) at Face. It was awesome. Katie got me a gift certificate for Christmas, and it turned out to be one of my favorite gifts ever from her. Flatscreens everywhere of sports and business news, great music in the background, and ZiegenBock on tap (as well as wine and a plethora of other drinks available) - what more could you want? Undoubtedly, it's the best haircut I've ever had and by far the most enjoyable. They have memberships available (max 100 per year...and I think there are 50 slots left), but for the $1000, I think it'll be a while before I consistently spend that much on my hair. The membership, though, gives you 12 haircuts as well as other discounted or unlimited services throughout the a space in the liquor cabinet and two guest passes. Someday...


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