Watermark Masters 2007.

Monday I played in the Watermark Masters 2007 Golf Tournament - that's right, my first church 4 man scramble tourney. For those who don't know, I've become addicted to golf. I love it. Like many (or most) who love the game, however, I'm not that good yet. The tournament, in fact, was only the sixth round of golf I've ever played. Having said that, I think I did pretty well. Every round of golf (almost every, anyway), I see improvement, which is really encouraging. To be true, I actually did hit some pretty good balls Monday. Our team, however, did not fair so well - we shot a 75. Now, I knew this wasn't a great score in a scramble, but I really had no idea how bad this was. At least, I had no idea it was a score that would earn us tied for last place, anyway! My thought was that we were only 3 above par, but I guess when you basically have four chances at every shot, this isn't so respectable. The winning team shot a 55, if that gives you proper perspective. Even in a scramble, shooting a 55 makes me scratch my head. Mind you, there were some really good players out there - at least three I know of who have made the cut in PGA tournaments this year. Personally, I think you're sandbagging the tournament if you put guys on your team that we all see play on Sunday on TV, but it's not like we got barely beat out by these guys. Anyway, I'm glad we finished last - seriously. Last place came with a really good prize - free lessons at TPC Craig Ranch. This is a great prize and something I'm really looking forward to! I would have been hacked if we were second to last - those guys got nothing (and when I say those guys, I'm referring to the team of Fleming and JP). Anyway, it was a great day, even though it was like 105 degrees outside. The tournament was amazingly well organized (though that makes sense being that the guy who put on the Byron Nelson this year was behind it), and the sponsors were very generous to us - the freebies were awesome...seriously. Anyway, Watermark knocked it out of the park and gave us a great day of fun and friendship with the guys. I can't wait until next year.
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