Monday, August 18, 2008

Colorado 2008.

(click the above picture to see more.)

Katie and I recently spent a blissful one and a half weeks in Colorado. We started out spending Thursday through Saturday with my uncle, aunt, and two cousins in Denver (with a side trip to Boulder), Sunday in Vail with my other cousin and his family, and then Sunday night through the next Sunday morning in Breckenridge with Katie's family. It was a glorious trip of great family, fun, and weather. I absolutely love spending time with my Colorado family - those who know me well know the love and respect I have for my aunt and uncle. We had a great hike, refreshing walks, good food, and wonderful times of conversation. Katie and I were so blessed to have time with them and my cousins, who are the greatest. Once we arrived at the house in Breck, it felt as if we already had a satisfactory vacation...but it was just beginning.

The next week was filled with hiking, rafting, reading, quiet strolls through town and around the neighborhood, and amazing golf. The following pictures speak for itself in regards to the latter:

Best of all though, as always, was time with Katie, Liz, Chad, Robert, & Dawna. This time we stayed in The Highlands, which is right outside of the downtown area, around Breckenridge Golf Club. This was a beautiful locale that lent itself to great walks and satisfying and peaceful quiet. The house we stayed in was absolutely amazing and beautiful, and it played a great host for opportunities for us to have good time together...even if just watching the world's worst movie ever in the media room. (Let's just say that there should have only been two Pirates of the Carrabean.) Like the scenary, the weather provided great refreshment. I believe the day it was 107 degrees in Dallas was the same day as one of the nights we cooked smores over the firepit. Simply amazing. The last night, Robert took us to dinner, where he ordered a bottle of champagne and extended the first toast to our daughter. It was very a special time of kindness and love and was a great wrap up to a magnificant trip. The week progressed much to quickly, and I think we all decided a longer trip would be necessitated next time. I could say that it's good to be home, but...well, I think we all know the truth here.


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