Blast from the past.

Growing up, I loved watching The Wonder Years. I recently noticed that it is airing on Ion, a channel I didn't even know existed. Anyway, to me it is a most blessed station on weekday nights between 9:00 and 10:00. After all these years, I still love this show - though to be true, watching it as an adult is like watching a totally different show than when you were a child. What's amazing to me is how much I can recall - almost 20 years later, I'm watching a scene and I often remember what's going to happen next. Anyway, I'm not going to go off on how this show is some analogous American narrative or anything (though if you want that, click here...not that I disagree, I really haven't looked into it...but I digress); however, I just wanted to make the small claim that it is one of the greatest shows ever and that anyone with any sense should watch it.
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