
I've recently decided to dedicate myself to golf this summer. Much of this - well, most of this - is due to work. I took some classes at Baylor in college, and some lessons at the country club before that in high school, but I haven't really used my clubs at all during the last four or five years. As such, I'm in that stage where I'll be at the driving range and one out of five shots is exhilarating with the others scaling form mildly encouraging, frustrating, and the seemingly common infuriating. I'm excited though about seriously taking this project on, and hopefully (with much practice), I'll hit some level of decency in the not too far off future. All that being said, I'm watching The Masters right now, and for probably the first time ever, I'm actually really watching it. Usually when I flip on the television on the weekend looking for a basketball game only to find golf, I don't see how people actually watch this stuff for so long - and so seriously...and honestly enjoyably. Well my friends, I think I'm finally getting it.
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