an american tragedy: misleading pitcher volume.

On Sunday I went bowling with the guys from my community group, and Eric got us a pitcher of Sam Adams. As we started pouring what looked like a normal pitcher full of beer, we noticed that there was a huge cylinder in the middle that took up about about a fourth of available volume. Seriously, this picture is very flattering to the size of this obstruction - it was big. After a little research, I've discovered that these could be used to keep the beer cold longer (although, really good beer...that which is not brewed by Miller, Coors, Bud, or anything Mexican, which all tastes like horse urine...shouldn't be served super cold, but that's for another day) - anyway, the point is that I don't think this is why they were doing it. I think they were just trying to be misleading in the output of their pitchers.
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