An Update

This post is brought to you by Sierra Nevada Torpedo. Thank you California. The following is a little update on our life...scattershot style.
We decided to stop the weekly church-hop visits and settle in for the summer at a local PCA community in Edmond. Last week, we had our second Sunday morning visit and met some people our age who meet with their small group right down the street from our house, which we went to that night. A few of the guys in the group are in my scotch club, and it was just a really natural and fun time of hanging out. It was very encouraging. Wednesday mornings on my way to the office, I'll usually be going to the morning Eucharist at All Soul's in OKC, where I have friends as well and a great relationship with the Curate and Rector. I had a great and long conversation the other week with the Curate, Fr. Lock, who really encouraged our family to explore the local PCA community but was very clear in affirming that I always have a home in their parish, no matter how often I am able to come. Fr. Lock reminds me much of Fr. Kincaid in Dallas (the Curate and Incarnation), in that, their friendship is immediate yet deeply rich. His prayers for and friendship towards me and my family preceded our move up here and has been a constant that I have been indescribably appreciative of. Anyway, I feel as if in the church front, Katie and I aren't currently wandering aimlessly anymore but are instead more on track to finding a local community for our family that compliments and strengthens my own relationship with the Church.
My frequent overnight travels are coming to an end for a while, which is something I'm really looking forward to, especially with Katie progressing in the pregnancy. Hopefully, it'll allow me to settle into a regular schedule a little better. I feel like much of my weeks at the office have been catching up from being out of town or preparing from being out town again, so I'm expecting my productivity and efficiency to increase...which would be great, as I have seemingly such a huge task ahead of me.
It's getting hot, but at least not as hot as in Dallas. It's fun to be up here and is a great environment to hang out with Katie's family, swim with Caroline, and share meals together (as able between travels and baseball). It's going to be a great summer.
The World Cup is back, and fortunately my friend Nick (from work and new neighbor) is a fan and likes talking about it. He's also hugely into cycling, so my bases are well covered. I do though miss what I know would be a great time watching these games with guys like Ben, Stephen, Adam, and Ryan.
Currently, I'm watching Phil Mickelson's press conference, and I strongly believe that KPMG needs to design him a better hat.
Caroline had her first "timeout" today, which was a technique we were planning to implement this week. It actually went really well. Really.
I'm stoked about the new iPhone and it's delivery to me on Friday. I know this irks Prouty, though that's because his frustration is already heightened at his seeming inability to beat me at our advanced-rules of Words with Friends.
We named our little boy. I'm not really sure when we're announcing it, so I won't publish it here, but I am announcing that we have one. I guess if you're really curious, you can call me.
I'm a little confused on why, in the latest round of rap collaborations, two all-time greats, Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg, have each been brilliant in their respective projects but not so much that of P.Diddy. I guess I just expected more from him. Oh well.
That's it.
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