Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My new life.

A few days ago, Caroline turned 18 months. Today, Katie and I celebrate eight years of marriage. (I thought it was ten, but she says I am wrong. Oh well, eight it is.) Anywho, the later year-and-a-half have fit into a larger eight years full of many different places, faces, peaks, valleys, churches, houses, friends, and work. Last night at dinner, Katie asked me if I was happy with where we were as a family and I as a husband and father. Emphatically, my answer is YES. I absolutely love our home life. It was maybe a year ago when Katie and I started working on simplifying our lives and focusing on being at home free from distractions. While I still struggle unplugging from the office, it's been amazing to compare our home life today as compared to a year ago. Undoubtedly, much is due to our move, but we have found ourselves having stripped much out of our lives and living in an environment truly centered on our family and time together. We love our slower pace of life - no longer distracted by junk to buy or new restaurants to try and instead enjoying what's really important: one another. Simplicity is so sweet. I have to say that Katie is such a great mother. I love watching her take care of our daughter and run our home. Yet, she is still a fantastic wife...phenomenal, in fact. She does an amazing job loving her daughter and her husband both, and that's tough - we both throw a lot of fits and require tons of energy. As for our spunky little girl, she is truly coming into her own, and it is such a joy to share life with her. I love that little girl more than I every could have imagined. She is my heart. I love coming home, staying home, and just being home with my family. Here's a list of some of my favorite things (in no particular order) about our life right now:

1. Bath Time with Caroline
2. Farmers Market Saturdays
3. Cinnamon Roll Sundays
4. Long hot baths
5. Hot dogs, Chicago style
6. Swimming with Caroline
7. Hanging out with Dawna, Robert, and Chad (Bob)...and watching them with Caroline
8. Dancing with Caroline
9. Nights with just Katie
10. Mornings with just Katie (rare)
11. Walking with Caroline holding hands
12. Reading to Caroline
13. Singing to Caroline
14. Walks with Piper
15. Dinners at home
16. Reading the paper
17. Making new friends (esp. over scotch & intelligent conversation)
18. Living in our new house
19. Quiet nights & weekends
20. Living amongst all the trees & hills (really, even in OK)

Tonight, Katie wrote on her blog about Caroline's 18 month birthday party. I encourage you to read it. I also have pictures and videos on my MobileMe.


Anonymous Katie Moore said...

sweet post. love you, babe.

June 30, 2010 at 9:16 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Leave it to kiddos to dole out some much neede perspective and priority shifts! Glad you are taking the cues and indulging in the joys of life!

June 30, 2010 at 9:24 PM  

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